President & CEO, Fashion Group International, Inc

Creative Director, Tiscareno

BIO: Manuel Tiscareno is a Mexican American designer, aged 34, based in New York City. With an international reputation, Tiscareno has become a sought-after name in the world of Luxury Bridal. His exquisite designs have graced the pages of renowned publications such as Vogue, Marie Claire, Harpers Bazaar and Glamour

With a focus on luxury and a background in Art History Tiscareno caters to an international clientele who seek his expertise in creating couture gowns for their special occasions. Since 2017, Tiscareno has been showcasing his collections at New York Fashion Week, captivating audiences with his artistic vision and attention to detail. His designs have also reached global stages, with successful shows in Dubai and Mexico City.

Tiscareno’s talent for creating gowns has not gone unnoticed, as he is recognized as one of the foremost designers in the Latin American sector by Brides of Spain Magazine. Additionally, his remarkable work has been acknowledged by Vogue Mexico. earning him a spot on their prestigious list of upcoming Bridal and Evening Designers. Manuel Tiscareno’s dedication to craftsmanship and global collaboration continue to be a cornerstone of his brand today.

IG: Tiscarenostudio

ASSOCIATION TO FGI: FGI Rising Star Finalist

Q and A with FGI President and CEO, Maryanne Grisz

What city were you born in? Jalpa, Zacatecas, Mexico

What is your star sign? Virgo

What were you obsessed with when you were a child? I was obsessed with my mother’s magazines. I would cut out fashion that particularly inspired me. I didn’t know at the time that I was planting the seeds of a career.

What do you value most in a friendship? Freedom of expression, loyalty, shared passion and grace

 What’s your proudest moment? It is difficult to name one moment. Often we don’t realize the challenges we have overcome until we reflect back and yet it is important to not look to the past for too long as it can effect momentum in the present. When I do pause and look back I am, of course, very proud of my accomplishments while also very aware of all the support and guidance I have been surrounded by in my creative process. I think I may be most proud of the way I collaborate with other artists whether it be handwork artisans of the indigenous Huichol peoples in Mexico or fellow respected fashion designers in Paris. I welcome and ask for honest criticism in my collaborative process and I am proud of what this says about my relationship with my own ego. I am also incredibly proud to have been born into this business and feel a responsibility to honor my family in my work.

What’s the best part of your job?  The look in one’s eyes when they put on a garment I’ve created and you can see them transform and see themselves as their most vibrant and confident state of being

What’s your biggest fear? To not have the opportunity to do what I love most. I think it scares me to somehow lose the ability to share with the world in some sense. Perhaps it seems illogical, but most fears often are. My mission in life is to experience beauty and to share it with others.

What’s the best meal you’ve ever eaten? I once had a linguine with butter and Basil in a small town of Mexico that totally sent me to another realm. I felt like I was floating, I’ve never experienced that before.

What’s next for you in your career? I am humbled and thrilled to be showing at Paris Fashion Week for the first time this September. A full solo collection of pieces I am very proud of and I believe are my best work yet.

What’s the last thing that made you laugh out loud? I recently shared an exuberant evening in Paris with my dear friends and fellow Mexican designers, Eddie Corps and Fernando Valenzuela. We laughed for hours and had the best time. It was a beautiful release after our many months of work together on our 2024 collections

Who or what in your life brings you the most joy? The feeling of being inspired by life. It may seem a little cliché but my biggest joy is finding inspiration everywhere and being able to share it with others. It’s truly what keeps me going and I can’t imagine a life without being able to admire beautiful art, music, ideas or people.

How do you spend your day, or what does an ordinary day look like for you? I am rather regimented in my routine which surprises even me. I incorporate meditation, exercise and time for creativity into every day. I set aside time for thoughtful reflection and loathe rushing so am sure to dedicate the time I need to value getting ready to leave the house or to prepare food. Living thoughtfully and artfully is very important to me. Being an artist bleeds into all activities which can be challenging sometimes but informs my journey in a way that keeps me grounded and aware of my purpose.

What approach would you take differently if you had to build a business from scratch today? I would change nothing. I have taken so many risks and they have all paid off and those that didn’t go as I planned or hoped taught me more than those that did. If anything I would encourage that young man who bravely set out on this unpredictable path to have even more confidence and belief in himself.

What is your favorite quote of all time, and why? Go where you are celebrated, not where you are tolerated. We all have this desire to fit in and be recognized for our work as artists and sometimes we overlook where our feet are planted happily as we strive for more. I have experienced just as much joy seeing a bride-to-be try on her wedding gown in my showroom as seeing my pieces walk down the runway at Fashion Week.

What book/s will you recommend that everyone should read once in their lives? 1984, I think this book is even more resonant now than it was when I first read it.

How do you maintain a work-life balance? It is challenging as my work is my great passion. I recognize that I am always an artist and always striving to live a thoughtful, beautiful life. I can easily get drawn into a long cycle of work and forget my own needs. It is important to step away at times when I don’t want to. In rest I find clarity and vision.

What are the biggest challenges you faced in your career and how did you handle them? The biggest by far is learning how to operate a fashion business and lead a team to deliver results every season all while balancing the creative process of building a brand. I’ve always known that being business minded and a creative go hand in hand, but it’s not always the easiest to handle. I believe what has led me to have success in business has been the ability to trust in my team and let them shine when they need to. We all learn from each other’s strengths and weaknesses.

What is the best advice someone ever gave you? My parents told me not to go into this profession. They had been in this industry their whole lives and they knew the challenges and unpredictabilities of it and they wanted more for me in some ways. However, it was that exact advice that I pushed against to prove my deep desire and passion and commitment to this work. My mother is no longer with us physically, a wound I carry daily, . But she remains a guiding force in my life and my father is immensely proud and supportive of my work. I could not ask for better parents. I am deeply grateful for all they have given me and dedicate my life’s work to them.

Who inspires you the most and why? Other artists inspire me endlessly. I get such a high from seeing work that I never could have imagined myself. It fascinates me how different we all are while all working towards the same goal of creating beauty in the world.

What’s the next thing you’re going to do in life? Next up is New York Fashion Week, Paris Fashion Week and an incredibly exciting show through the streets of Zacatecas. I am laughing a bit as I promised myself last year to only do one show each season going forward by the universe had other plans for me and I find myself saying YES and having faith I am doing what I am supposed to be doing and grounded in my purpose.

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