President & CEO, Fashion Group International, Inc

Founder, Julie lamb NY
BIO: New York native Julie Lamb creates concept rich fine jewelry collections and bespoke pieces that are ‘Different By Design’. Lamb operates out of NYC’s iconic Diamond District, where she has been working since college on break from Syracuse University’s Metalsmithing program. Lamb designed jewelry for companies large and small before launching her eponymous line in late 2015. Lamb is an FGI Rising Star recipient and is known for her playful motifs, city inspired collections and outside the jewelry box marketing style.
WEBSITE: JulieLambNY.com
Q and A with FGI President and CEO, Maryanne Grisz
In what city were you born? Brooklyn, NY
What is your star sign? Taurus the Bull!
What do you value most in a friendship? Support. It takes on different forms with different friends. Some are the listeners, some are the networkers, some are the hands on helpers. It goes both ways and this is how we rise.
What were you obsessed with when you were a child? Making jewelry out of anything that wasn’t nailed down!
What’s your proudest moment? Winning FGI’s Rising Star last year- a true full circle moment with a table full of industry besties, old bosses and friends cheering me on.
What’s the best meal you’ve ever eaten? Commerce 24 in Barcelona. A 24 course gastro molecular event! If they were still open I’d be on a plane…
What’s your biggest fear? Not reaching my full potential.
How do you spend your day, or what does an ordinary day look like for you? Martial arts based work out, get to the Diamond District & run around with my jobs, meet a friend for drinks or attend an industry soiree. Make a fancy salad, design on my iPad while watching some episodes till bed.
What’s the best part of your job? Making whatever I want!!!
What’s the last thing that made you laugh out loud? Likely an Instagram video of baby animals.
What is your favorite quote of all time, and why? ‘What doesn’t kill me, makes me stronger.’ -Nietzsche It speaks of resilience and taking chances, getting out of your comfort zone and coming back better.
What approach would you take differently if you had to build a business from scratch today? I wouldn’t change my approach- any missteps were lessons learned.
What are the biggest challenges you faced in your career and how did you handle them? Finding the right partners to work with as in manufacturing or web development- it’s important to trust your gut to know when the relationship no longer serves and move on.
What is the best advice someone ever gave you? “If you hate it make it your friend”
What book/s will you recommend that everyone should read once in their lives? The Fountainhead by Ayn Rand. Not everyone’s cup of tea, but it’s an essential read for any artist or maker.
Who inspires you the most and why? My closest friends. Mostly entrepreneurs, C suite baddies and artists. The drive, passion, movement, ambition. We feed off each other and support each others endeavors in various ways. Women empowering women.
How do you maintain a work-life balance? I don’t. My business is my pleasure and vice versa. I mix them like a cocktail!
What’s next for you in your career? Scaling up. I want to explore a high- low model. Think- Lambazon and more one of a kind wonders! Plus, I have a clothing line in mind, and decor. Lamb Lifestyle.